Clinics & services
Clinics & services
Clinics & services
Clinics & services
Clinics & services
Clinics & services
Clinics & services
We offer a wide range of clinics and services for people staying in hospital, as well as people coming in for treatment and in the community.
We run a wide range of clinics at each of our sites as well as in the community.- Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Rehabilitation Clinic
- Aged Care and Rapid Access Clinics
- Amputee Clinic
- Blood Pressure Disorders Clinic
- Chronic Pain Clinic
- Chronic Wound Service
- Cognitive Dementia and Memory Service (CDAMS)
- Community Rehabilitation Services
- Continence Clinic
- Diabetes Care Management & Assessment Service (DCAS)
- Disability Service
- Falls and Balance Assessment Clinic
- Functional Neurology Clinic
- Gender Clinic (Endocrinology)
- High Risk Foot Service
- Neurobehaviour Clinic
- Neurological Rehabilitation Clinic
- Ophthalmology Clinic
- Orthopaedic & General Rehabilitation Clinic
- Oxygen Clinic
- Respiratory Clinic and Outreach Service (HIP)
- Retinal Photography Clinic
- Spasticity Assessment & Rehabilitation Clinic
- Specialist Clinics
- Stroke Rehabilitation Clinic
- Virtual Fracture Clinic
- Weight Control Clinic
- Long COVID Rehabilitation Service (ReCOVery)
Care & support
We provide care and support for our patients, from diagnosis to treatment and rehabilitation.- Ability@Austin
- Aboriginal health
- Advance care planning
- Aged care
- Ambulatory care
- Art therapy
- Disability liaison
- Genetic counselling
- Helping you stay active & well at home
- Horticultural therapy
- Hospital in the home
- Interpreters
- Leisure therapy
- Music therapy
- Nutrition & diet
- Occupational therapy
- Orthotics & Prosthetics
- Palliative care
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry
- Psychology
- Rehabilitation
- River Enterprises
- Social work
- Speech pathology
- Spiritual care
- Support after sexual assault
- Tracheostomy care
- Veteran liaison
Medical problems
Our doctors, nurses and allied health professionals manage patients with a wide range of medical problems.- Specialist Eating Disorders Service for young people (inpatient care)
- Blood pressure, fainting & medication problems
- Respiratory and sleep medicine
- Children's epilepsy
- COVID Positive Pathways
- Diabetes education
- Diabetes, gland & hormone problems
- Drug & antibiotic allergies
- Emergency
- Epilepsy
- General medical problems
- Genetic kidney diseases
- Heart disease
- Hepatitis C treatment
- Infectious diseases and immunology
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Intensive care
- Joint, muscle & soft tissue disorders
- Kidney care & dialysis
- Kidney transplant
- Liver & digestive diseases
- Medications
- Multiple sclerosis & related disorders
- Nerve & brain conditions
- Paediatrics
- Poisoning
- Skin diseases
- Stroke
- Victorian Poisons Information Centre
- Victorian Respiratory Support Service
- Victorian Spinal Cord Service
Mental health
We provide comprehensive hospital-based, community and specialist services to youth, adults, older people and veterans in northern Melbourne.Scans & tests
We conduct scans, tests and imaging to help us determine the right treatment for you.Surgical procedures
We provide a broad range of elective and emergency surgery at the Austin and Heidelberg Repatriation Hospitals.- Anaesthesia
- Bariatric & metabolic surgery (for people living with obesity)
- Blood vessel surgery
- Bowel surgery
- Brain surgery
- Ear, nose, throat, head & neck surgery
- Endocrine (thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal & pancreas) surgery
- Endoscopy
- Gynaecology & family planning
- Heart surgery
- Heart treatments
- Liver & intestinal transplants
- Liver, pancreas & gall bladder surgery
- Managing pain
- Mouth, face & jaw surgery
- Nerve & tendon transfer surgery
- Orthopaedic surgery
- Plastic & reconstructive surgery
- Spinal surgery
- Upper gastrointestinal surgery
- Urology surgery