Check with your GP to see if they offer these services. You may be able to access them in your local community rather than by coming to hospital.
We do not provide general gynaecology services. General gynaecology, obstetrics and neonatal services provided at the Mercy Hospital for Women.
We provide the following services:
We run the following clinics:
Dr Charlotte Elder
For access to abortion/pregnancy termination phone: 03 9496 2533
If telephone is unattended, please leave your name and contact telephone number with a short message.
Find out how to refer your patient.
You may have your surgery at the Austin Hospital or Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital.
Check the information you have received to make sure you know which hospital to visit. If you are unsure, call your surgical liaison nurse or contact us on the numbers below.
The Surgery & Endoscopy Centre
Level 2, Austin Tower
145 Studley Road Heidelberg
The Surgery Centre
Level 2, Centaur Building
300 Waterdale Road Ivanhoe
Contact the Elective Surgery Booking Team.
Phone: 03 9496 3750
Open hours: Monday to Friday 8am to 4.30pm
Gynaecology & Family Planning
Austin Health
PO Box 5555
Heidelberg Victoria 3084