Nutrition & Dietetics is a dynamic team focused on providing high quality nutrition for Austin Health patients and our community.
Our team has around 30 dietitians. We provide a 7 day service at Austin Hospital, Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital and Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre.
We are closely involved in food service, education and training, research and quality improvement:
We provide nutritional care for inpatients, outpatients and clients in the community.
We provide care and treatment for patients in hospital:
We provide support to patients in clinics such as:
We provide support to patients in their home and in the community as part of:
You can only access this service when you are staying in hospital or attending Specialist Clinics. Ask a member of your care team to contact us.
Phone: 03 9496 5011
Open hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm
Leonie Pearce
Manager, Nutrition & Dietetics
Level 3, Harold Stokes Building
Austin Hospital
145 Studley Road
Heidelberg VIC
Grevillea Centre
Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital
300 Waterdale Road
Ivanhoe Victoria
Nutrition & Dietetics
Austin Hospital
PO Box 5555
Heidelberg VIC 3084