The Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) service is run by the Gastroenterology Department.
Our multi-disciplinary team is made up of a range of specialists including:
We have a strong research focus. We are running a number of research trials that you may be able to join. Speak to your doctor about whether there is a trial that is right for you.
We work with a multi-discliplinary team to provide the following services:
We run the following clinics:
Find out more about clinic times and bookings in Specialist Clinics.
You need a referral from your GP, specialist or health care provider to access this service.
Find out how to refer your patient.
Patients requiring immediate assessment should be sent to the Emergency Department. Request to admit your patient to hospital under the care of this service
If you are concerned about any delay of the appointment or if there is any deterioration in your patient’s condition, contact the Gastroenterology Registrar on call on 03 9496 5000.
Phone: 03 9496 6233
Email: or
Open hours: Monday to Friday 8am to 4.30pm
Our hotline is staffed by specialist IBD nurses, doctor and pharmacist.
A/Prof Peter De Cruz
Director of IBD service
Kristy Boyd
IBD Services Lead
Gastoenterology Department
Austin Hospital
Level 8, Harold Stokes Building
145 Studley Road
Heidelberg VIC
Postal address
Gastoenterology Department
Austin Hospital
PO Box 5555
Heidelberg VIC 3084