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Tracheostomy care
Tracheostomy care
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- Tracheostomy care
We care for and support people living with a tracheostomy.
About us
Our Tracheostomy Review and Management Service (TRAMS) is an internationally recognised team who care for and support patients with a tracheostomy.
Find out more about how Tracheostomy Review and Management Service (TRAMS) is transforming tracheostomy care around the world.
Our services
We provide the following services for patients:
- Tracheostomy care for inpatients
- Discharge of tracheostomy patients into the community (home or residential care)
- Tracheostomy team care and support in the community
- Education for patients and carers
- Tracheostomy patients and family forums with a focus on wellbeing
Related services
You need a referral from an Austin Health specialist or health practitioner to access to this service.
Contact us
Tracheostomy Review and Management Service (TRAMS)
Phone: 03 9496 3095
Fax: 03 9496 3280
Level 3, Lance Townsend Building
Austin Hospital
145 Studley Rd
Heidelberg Victoria
Postal address
Austin Hospital
PO Box 5555
Heidelberg Victoria
Australia 3084