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Helping patients and staff in the Emergency Department

You responded to our call for help in purchasing new monitors
Patient Nadine hooked up to one of the new monitors you helped purchase

Your generous support has helped raise $71,000, resulting in four new special bedside patient monitors for the new Emergency Department Short Stay Unit. This included an amazing $18,000 from the Murray to Moyne cycling team (made up of Emergency Department staff) and a generous donation of $1,000 from the Melbourne Cumhuriyet Choir.

These monitors provide staff with fast, accurate and immediate information such as heart and breathing rate, blood pressure and level of oxygen.Patients are observed throughout every moment of their stay. Any serious changes sets off an alarm at the nurses station.

"Having these monitors can make a real difference when multiple patients and priorities demand attention."

Dr Thomas Chan, Director of Emergency Medicine.

Thank you

You made this happen.