Staff member in Cath Lab in scrubsStaff in scrubs in the Cath LabStaff in scrubs in the Cath Lab


Medical alumni

The Austin Health Medical Alumni Association (AHMAA) was established in 2016

All Medical Staff who have worked at Austin Health (including Austin Hospital, Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital and Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre), at any time and for any duration, are members. This includes our medical students and extends from interns to consultants and those involved in research work.

Membership is free and the association is not involved in fundraising.

The aim is to keep Alumni informed about Austin Health activities.

Past AHMAA newsletters are available here

Forthcoming activities include a Golf Day, the Annual Richard Smallwood Oration and an Alumni Dinner.

Please contact the Secretary, Austin Health Medical Alumni Association to confirm your email details.

We look forward to keeping in touch with all our Alumni.