Older coupling walking down the streetOlder couple walking down the streetOlder couple walking down the street

Patients & visitors


Leaving hospital with COVID-19

Helpful information about what to do after you have been treated at hospital for COVID-19.

What to expect after your COVID-19 diagnosis

  • Most people with COVID-19 will have a mild illness and will recover in a few days.
  • Common symptoms include runny nose, cough, tiredness and fever. You can manage these symptoms with rest and plenty of fluids, similar to a regular cold or flu.
  • If you feel unwell, take paracetamol and ibuprofen to help relieve symptoms.
  • Drink plenty of water and rest.
  • You will need to self-isolate until the Department of Health tells you that you can leave your home.

What you should do now


Continue to isolate in the community as instructed by the Department of Health.

Tell the people you live with

Tell everyone who is staying at your house (your household contacts) that you have tested positive for COVID-19. They must have a COVID-19 test and return home to isolate immediately.

Contact your doctor

Phone your regular doctor (general practitioner) and inform them that you are COVID-19 positive and have been to the Austin Hospital’s Emergency Department or ward.

Taking care of yourself

Your health

If you do not have any other illnesses, your regular doctor (general practitioner) can take care of you using telephone appointments.

  • Take regular, simple over-the-counter pain relief (e.g. paracetamol or ibuprofen) for aches, pains and fevers.
  • Drink water regularly.
  • Continue to take your normal medications. If you run out of your normal medications, call your local pharmacy and ask them to home deliver medication.

When to see a doctor

You should seek help from a doctor if you:

  • have new or worsening shortness of breath
  • have chest pain or tightness
  • are coughing up blood
  • are unable to eat for more than 1 day
  • faint.

For non-urgent help

For non-urgent help, you can call:

  • your general practitioner (GP)
  • Austin Health COVID Positive Pathways on 1800 518 205 (press 5).
  • the Victorian Coronavirus Hotline. This service is available 24 hours a day on 1800 675 398, press 0 for information in your language.

In an emergency

In an emergency call Triple Zero on 000 and tell the operator you have tested positive to COVID-19. 

Community and financial supports

Coronavirus hotline (Victorian Government)

You can call the Coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398 for help arranging:

  • care if you feel worse during your isolation
  • transport for medical treatment or repeat COVID testing
  • alternative accommodation if you cannot safely isolate at home
  • a free emergency relief package with basic food and essentials (such as nappies or personal care items) if you need it.

Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment

You may be eligible for the $1500 Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment, a one-off payment to help Victorian workers who have been asked to isolate. For more information:

Home delivery services for groceries

Try a home delivery service for groceries, such as:

Mental health supports

Beyond Blue

A dedicated service if you feel anxious, stressed, depressed or need help.


Talk to a mental health professional and connect to support services.

Lifeline Australia

A crisis support service to help you when you have difficulty coping or feel unsafe.


A support and counselling service for 12-25-year-old Victorians and their family and friends.

Coronavirus website (Victorian Government)

For more information, you can also visit the Coronavirus website

The Coronavirus website has information about COVID-19 available in many languages.

Download as a factsheet

You can also download the information from this page as a factsheet.