94-year-old coronavirus patient makes full recovery at Austin Health
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- 94-year-old coronavirus patient makes full recovery at Austin Health
15 April 2020
Nine News capture the moment staff give 94-year-old coronavirus patient Maureen Appleby a standing ovation as she leaves hospital.
Ms Appleby was admitted to Austin Hospital after she fell and broke four ribs.
While receiving treatment for her injuries, staff noticed that Ms Appleby had symptoms and was diagnosed with COVID-19.
“I fought it back, I got there,” said Ms Appleby.
“All the data would suggest that Maureen would be the typical patient that doesn’t do well with COVID. So she’s defied all odds,” said A/Prof Jason Trubiano (Head of the COVID Team).
“So we’ve had a daily photo with Maureen. So she’s certainly been a nurse and doctor favourite. She’s actually learnt a lot of new things, she’s learnt how to use facetime for the first time,”said A/Prof Jason Trubiano.
“The doctors and nurses are just wonderful,”said Ms Appleby.
Now home in Rosana, Mr Appleby is looking forward to a sleep and a lamb roast.
You can watch Nine News coverage of this story here.