NEPHU provides ongoing education, guidance and support to Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) to help them confidently self-manage exposures and outbreaks.
Outbreak Management System (OMS)
We have developed a range of tools to help streamline and lessen the impact of outbreak management activities on staff, including our online Outbreak Management System (OMS) and sample communications templates for both resident families and GPs.
The OMS is an online portal where you can:
- report the specifics of your outbreak
- highlight any particular concerns (eg PPE supplies, RAT availability)
- include details of affected residents and staff (including vaccination status)
- provide an overview of the layout of your facility to assist with risk identification and determine outbreak management approach
- identify any other risks or issues.
NOTE: you will need a record number and password (provided by NEPHU upon initial notification) in order to log into the OMS portal.
The following attachments (found in the Downloads list below) may be help you report and manage an exposure or outbreak:
- OMS User Guide – provides step-by-step instructions for using the portal
- RACF sample letter to GP – template intended for facilities to download and use as a guide for communicating an outbreak to resident's GP. Please copy text into your facility letterhead and feel free to amend as required.
- RACF sample letter to resident families – template intended for facilities to download and use as a guide for communicating an outbreak to residents and/or families. Please copy text into your facility letterhead and feel free to amend as required.